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Mike Huckabee chews the fat and politics | Arkansas Blog

Mike Huckabee chews the fat and politics

Posted by Max Brantley on Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 1:29 PM

An interviewer at the Raleigh Telegram in North Carolina asked former Arkansan Mike Huckabee about his efforts at weight loss and the possibility of a future return to politics.

On weight:

In regards to his very public battle to lose weight, Huckabee said he has had mixed success. He initially lost a lot of weight, but has put some back on since then.

?It?s been a battle all my life, I?ve put 30 pounds back on,? said Governor Huckabee. ?I messed up my knee running the New York Marathon and I?ve never quite gotten over that.?

He said that it?s hard to keep the weight off especially in today?s society that encourages you to eat.

?It?s a battle?but ultimately, it?s my responsibility,? he said.

A return to politics?

?Good question?I don?t rule anything out,? he said. ?If someone asked me four years ago I?d be doing television and radio, I would have said ?gee no, I?d rather be in the White House.?

Tags: Mike Huckabee

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Source: http://www.arktimes.com/ArkansasBlog/archives/2012/11/06/mike-huckabee-chews-the-fat-and-politics

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